Thursday, July 23, 2020

A World Without Hatred.

As an overthinker, you can’t stop imaging and analyzing almost impossible situations in the world. I want to ask, have you ever thought or imagined a world without hatred, negativity, and cruelty in the world? It feels good, no? No bad people, no deaths, no violence, no broken heart, and no bad feelings. Only good people, crime-free streets, a secure world for vulnerable human beings. 

Don’t you think that "too much of everything is bad"? Yeah, that's true!! Every situation has its consequences. Too much positivity is also bad. We all come across people and spiritual gurus who advise us to think positively in every little situation. I started wondering, it isn't too dangerous to have only one view and one perspective for the whole world, and nobody tastes the nectar of negativity ever. It’s like one size fits all for life. 

Only positive thoughts can make things more complicated for you. Are you confused? Let me explain with an example. If you make up your mind that you only have to think positively so, you have to take two steps; first, you have to deal with the situation, and second, you have to fight with negative thoughts. You might start feeling guilty and try to suppress the negativity, which will cause more damage. 

We often lack to see that love and hate are the two sides of a coin, and as a coin, every side is incomplete without another. Love is incomplete without hate because we will lose the joy and importance of happiness. We can’t feel sunshine after the deadly storm. We will not have this feeling. After all, what is the perk of being on a positive side, when you never taste the nectar of negativity? How can you judge that this is positive? We need negativity to balance positivity.

Negative things are also positive in one way or another. We need disturbance to keep moving, don’t you think complete silence would be boring. We need a purpose to live to enjoy our life. Actions in our life so that we can brush up our situation dealing skills and look at the positive side of the coin. We can hope for happiness or try to be happy and calm in every situation. Problems occur because we refuse to accept the negativity. 

This is the purpose of our life, to live, to have all the taste in our plate without hate, life will be a sweet dish, and you can't eat sweet dishes your whole life, you'll eventually die of diabetes. We need salt, spices, sourness, and bitterness to make a complete meal the same we need hatred, negativity to complete our life. 

When we eat spicy food, we need sweets to relieve ourselves, and it soothes us, it gives us the peace that we value more, same goes with love and hate. We need sadness, hate, pain, and bitterness to welcome happiness. We need a tear of pain to smile more brightly.

Has anybody ever thought that negative thoughts are good for your mental health? Maybe not, but according to recent studies researchers has proved that it’s crucial to have negative thoughts. I also believe in this. Let’s hear about your thoughts too. Comment below and let’s see how many of you agree with it.

Thursday, July 9, 2020


8 basics about adulting

1. You start realizing that you can’t depend financially on your parents anymore. Parents start asking questions related to your career. 

2. Broken specs and one damaged earplug tells the different story of adulting. 

3. After 25, almost every neighborhood aunty starts suggesting Rishta for your secure career. P.S. It’s a next-level crime for being a single girl in the late 20s.

4. Late nights, weekend parties in the pubs, and almost every drunk weekend don’t entice us anymore. You prefer to do house parties with close friends. (mostly pocket don’t allow that)

5. You avoid small arguments and meaningless conversations. Being surrounded by people all the time is not your cup of tea anymore. 

6. You start understanding the value of savings. Extravagance unnecessary things don’t allure you anymore. 

7. You start understanding the value of a healthy diet and personal hygiene. 

8. You are done with fun casual dating things; one-night stands and hookups don’t attract you anymore. You start looking for serious stuff. 

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Wednesday, June 3, 2020


I lit up a cigarette, I took a drag, it passed through my veins, I closed my eyes, I felt you in, and as I sat it free, I felt so light, calm and releaved...

But it was just for a moment my eyes met with yours, I hid my cigarette in fear of letting you know, but you caught me, your innocent eyes were looking at me, I felt helpless. Your big watery questionable eyes come in front of me whenever I thought of lighting up a cigarette they ask me

" I never met my father and if you also go what will I do, you have to live for me maa, I'm only 6 years old"

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Wednesday, May 27, 2020


I used to have an innocent heart

Filled with love and fairytale

Oohhhh!!! the fairy tale was beautiful

It was amidst of cotton candy clouds

In the massive pink castle

My sweet lover will come riding on a black horse

He'll love me with all his heart

And his kiss will pour my empty soul

with all the love in the world

I think

I knew how it would be

I read about love in my childhood

But didn’t know that the World was different

Reality hit me hard

Massive, ugly, and unloved demons

Ready to tear every single emotion

The body was their interest area

And lips were just tender things

For feeding their thrust of lust

It infected me

I became an unloved zombie too

Infected from their unloved venom

And now I don’t know that if I should look for love

Or lust...

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Basic Things to Make Your Relationship Healthy and Happy

1. Do not over love, over care, and try to control him, it will definitely exhaust him and scare him away

2. Respect his feelings and give him the time and space he wants. Do not impose your decisions and desires on him all the time
3. Do not throw tantrums all the time and avoid being strict
4. Do not make all the things in your life about him. Have me-time, some hobbies, opinions, and free time with friends
5. I understand past experience can create trust issues in the present relationship, but keep one thing in mind that there is no relationship without trust. If you can forgive him for past mistakes, you must start trusting him
6. Don't seek his attention all the time. Don't make everything about you. Try to understand the importance of other people in his life too. You can be on the second, or the third number on his priority list after his sister or best friend but that doesn't make you less important in his life
7. Do not compare yourself with his sister and don't be jealous of her. She is her family, and it's ok to support the family financially and emotionally. I understand ladies you want all the eggs in your basket, but it's an actually good sign that a guy cares about his mother and sister
8. Don't be clingy and available all the time. Let him miss you and come close to you. (P.S. Doesn't mean you abandoned him)
9. Respect him and his decisions. Keep one thing in mind that there is no relationship without love, respect, and understanding. You can't be rigid and stiff all the time and expect your loved one to make all the compromises
10. Try to be a person with whom he doesn't hesitate to share his problems or desires. He doesn't have to think twice before telling you anything that might be it will make you angry. Don't be angry over small things. Try to adopt healthy communication and instead of giving silent treatment communicate your feelings. After all, he is not a mind reader. Listen to their explanation and try to understand. Do not listen to the answer; listen to understand
11. No one is perfect everybody makes a mistake. After an apology, you can't expect from the other person to forgive you instantly and make things square with you. Try to be patient and give him time to reflect and try not to repeat the mistakes and things that pissed him off

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