Wednesday, May 27, 2020


I used to have an innocent heart

Filled with love and fairytale

Oohhhh!!! the fairy tale was beautiful

It was amidst of cotton candy clouds

In the massive pink castle

My sweet lover will come riding on a black horse

He'll love me with all his heart

And his kiss will pour my empty soul

with all the love in the world

I think

I knew how it would be

I read about love in my childhood

But didn’t know that the World was different

Reality hit me hard

Massive, ugly, and unloved demons

Ready to tear every single emotion

The body was their interest area

And lips were just tender things

For feeding their thrust of lust

It infected me

I became an unloved zombie too

Infected from their unloved venom

And now I don’t know that if I should look for love

Or lust...

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